We can't see AIR

What we can't see can't hurt us?  Right?

Every single moment, we are breathing in air which is ladden with polluants, bactiera, viruses and more. Just take a moment to think about that.

Our lungs, one of the most precious organs in our body are dealing with a lot.

How many times have you been on a 'health kick' or 'detox' - signed up to that excercise class, chosen that healthy eating plan, gone organic, vegan even, tried to keep moving more, up our water intake - we make conscious changes and decsions about our health and well-being with the food we consume, but we consume air too. A lot of it.

Our story is simple...

 We can't see  AIR

We want want to make it easy for you to breathe better air inside your home.

The Air Shop has currated the best products from the best brands and combined it with our advice.

We're specialists in air, the indoor environment and we love helping solve problems, espeically around allergies - we'
ll help you make the right decisions to improve your indoor air quality.